Come again another day
Bottoms Off would like to play
I am almost through my pack of BCP and I have an ultrasound tomorrow to see what my ovaries are up to. I'm not feeling very optomistic. I have been feeling a lot of weirdness in my ovaries. It's not pain. It's not uncomfortable. It just feels like activity. It feels like a bad sign to me.
I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding on the pill, but the past couple days my uterus has felt crampy off and on.
I have no idea what any of this means, but I am so scared that tomorrow I am going to see those same big black blobs in my ovaries again. I've seen those big black blobs at every ultrasound since my cancelled cycle in December. Big black blobs at my baseline for my second cycle. Big black blobs before my second cycle was cancelled. Big black blobs at the new doctor's office.
I should be spending time meditating and visualizing these cysts getting smaller and disappearing, but all I can do is imagine them getting bigger and never going away. I need some good news damnit. I hope tomorrow is my day.
When I was allowed to be on BCP's, I always cramped towards the end. So its quite possible that your body is just ready to have AF!
Good luck hon!
I hope tomorrow is your day too. It's time for a turnaround.
I'm thinking of you.
I hope they're gone, too. I only had to deal with them once, but it was so damned disheartening being thwarted AGAIN by my body. Fingers crossed for you.
GL with your apt- I hope to that they are gone...keep us posted
Damn Blob. Reeker of havoc and dreams. Good luck girl- I hope your US is free and clear from all monsters.
those cysts are a bitch. i hope they are gone when you go tomorrow. did they say anything about what they would do if they didn't go away? (i had to have surgery for mine, but, don't get worried yet - mine just continued to grow on BCP) and, what's up w/ that RE and the whole stupid phone consultation mix up? i really hope he doesn't turn out to be a douche bag too.
and, tell those cysts that they have to go away so you can cycle w/ me in may:)
I'm thinking of you and hoping you get good news.
I know what you mean about those cysts. Close your eyes and tell them to GO AWAY!! No more blob for you.
Mine went away after just 2 weeks on bcps. Unfortunately, they also oversuppressed me, but I'm ancient (in reproductive years).
Best of luck -hope you're blobless.
best of luck for tomorrow, I hope your ovaries play nice and are blob free.
Me, too!
Finger's crossed for tomorrow...
I hope they're gone! I had cysts for 7 weeks earlier this year...praying that yours vacant before that!!!!
Oh I hope tomorrow is filled with only good news!
Good luck on desisting.
You need a break. Really. Something has to go correctly here. I'm praying for beautiful ovaries tomorrow!
I just found out I have 4 cysts- 2 on each side. I was told that I should wait a month and call when I get AF.
I hope yours are totally gone tomorrow and you can get this show on the road again.
I to, hope tomorrow is your day. Best of luck!
Hoping for a clear report tomorrow - and if not I hope they can aspirate the evil things. I had to have a huge one aspirated before my last cycle, and it worked like a charm, right away! Only set us back 2 days in the schedule (after they didn't go away with BCPs)
In case you do end up doing that - I didn't find it painful - uncomfortable, but then what isn't when they're pokin around down there?! Good luck!
I hope the cysts are gone!! I'll be thinking of you, it's about time for some good things to start happening!
Good luck tomorrow! I sure hope you get the all clear to move ahead. I tend to focus on what I don't want to have happen - so I have complete respect for others who have a hard time with positive visualization. Hoping you will be blob free.
Lots of luck tomorrow!
I am wishing I could cast a magical spell to make them disapear FOREVER..
All the best darl
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