I AM INfertile...
But I am so much more "IN" than that...
I’ve been tested. I’ve been probed. I’ve been injected. I’ve missed work for appointments. I’ve researched. I’ve asked questions. I’ve worried. I’ve made phone calls. I’ve prioritized...
I AM INcessant...
I’ve gone to baby showers. I’ve smiled at other‘s “big news“. I’ve purchased baby gifts. I’ve babysat. I’ve missed chances. I’ve lost sleep. I’ve lost hope. I’ve lost embryos. I’ve lost babies...
I AM INdestructible...
I might be a mother. I might not be a mother. I might come to terms. I might never quit. I will survive...
I AM INvincible...
I am INfertile. I am INcessant. I am INdestructible. I am INvincible. I am IN.
Get the badge at the right that links to this post. Be IN.
New reader & I am IN! Also in the golden retriever club too:]
So IN! Thank you for sharing this! Love it! Hope you've been well. I think of you often and I'm happy you posted something new for me to read! XXXX.
You are fantastic as usual!
Well said.
LOVE this :) Thank you!
OMG I'm a so IN too! You are the most clever INsider I know...
Love this post!!!
Amen to that!
thank you! this gave me some strength to endure the rest of my 2ww with a little more strength.
I am IN
I just don't know how to copy the badge...apparently I'm badge copying challenged...But thanks for this post...it is beautifully said!
INcredible as usual. Hope you and Tony and the doggies are doing well. Love reading your posts and hope you find your path to parenthood soon.
Awesome - love it and THANK YOU so very much!
I'm a new reader and I love it! I've grabbed the badge for my blog!
So true... thank you for sharing.
long time lurker, new to my own blog and now following yours. love the badge! so empowering! i feel like i can get through this cycle and be ok b/c i am IN.
I gave you a blog award!
I'm in.
and You Rawk Megan.
LOVE THIS! I am SO in!
I love this post.
I just found your blog after someone reblogged this post...I love this.
I also noticed that we have been TTC since basically the same time (you are a couple months farther) and a similar path. I hate to see another one woman suffering the same. I just wanted to say hey and wishing you the best...
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