Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meet Bo

With everything else going on, I forgot to make an announcement until the sight of Mo and Will's adorable puppy reminded me.

We got a puppy.

On the spur of the moment.

The day before my retrieval.

Start your psychoanalysis now.

He's a golden retriever and he's now thirteen weeks old. We were going to name him We'reReallyScaredThisCycleWon'tWorkAndWe'llNeedADistraction, but that doesn't really roll off the tongue.

Instead we named him Bo. We have now realized that Bo sounds a lot like, "No!" (a word we have been using alot.)

We already went to one puppy class where Bo peed AND pooped on the floor. When we were teaching the "come" command he proved himself to be a total "treat whore" running and jumping on other people as they were calling their dogs.

When I was crying on the floor yesterday he comforted me by sitting on my head and trying to eat my face. It's hard to cry when you are trying to not become permanently disfigured.

But on the other hand, when he gets scared, he runs and sits in my lap. When I come home from work he loves me to rub his belly. When I call him, he runs toward me at full speed. All in all he has been a good distraction.

So Mo and Will, if you have any tips for keeping Moxie off the furniture I'm ready to hear them because Bo has figured out how to get on the sofa.


Anonymous said...

Thats the best thing about dogs, they love you unconditionally. When I'm upset mine sit next to me and when I'm crying they lick my tears.

Bo is gorgeous!! Happy training!!


Me said...

SOOOO cute. Goldens are my favorite. My golden is 3 years old and is a wonderful dog. Best.decision.ever. Take care and enjoy the bonding! :-)

JB said...

Dogs are the BEST. My pooch is my my biggest fan and best friend. And Bo is adorable!

Elizabeth said...

My father in law had a dog named Bo, and when he yelled "no" he had to actually yell "negative"!! He's a farmer and its always cracked me up to imagine this big burley man yelling "Negative" at a dog!!

Mo said...

Hi We'reReallyScaredThisCycleWon'tWorkAndWe'llNeedADistraction!! Welcome to Megan's family! Erm, I mean, Hi Bo!!!

He's so, so cute.

No advice on keeping him off the couch. Moxie is still too little to get up there. We plan to say something like, "Bo, Moxie! Bo!" I mean, "No, Moxie, no!" But we'll see. She's already got us pretty wrapped around her little paws. So by the time she's big enough for that she'll have us fully suckered in.

So glad you have Bo!


Kate said...

I seriously don't know what I would do without my dog. Especially going through IF. I am so glad you've got a furry companion. As for keeping him off the couch, we still can't do it and ours is 7!

Anonymous said...

Having a dog this last year is all that's kept me sane. Well, relatively sane, anyway. I say, let Bo have his own spot on the couch - that way face-licking will not have to be confined to the floor. He's adorable!

Panamahat said...

VERY cute!!

Heather said...

OMG Bo is soooo cute! I love, love, love goldens. If I could ever talk my DH into getting a dog it would be a golden for sure. And dogs are so good at loving you unconditionally. He's so cute he might deserve a spot on the couch... :)

Suzanne said...

I love Bo! He is so cute! I hope that he will be a comfort to you, I don't think that I'd be able to get through the pain of my m/c right now without the love and support of my dog. A dog truly is man or woman's best friend.

Monica said...

Gorgeous pup! My psychoanalysis: puppies are crack-cocaine for people with baby-making woes. I love him and can't wait for more pics!

Shinejil said...

He's so handsome! And animals are frankly the best consolers ever. My cats always seem to feel when I'm being sucked into the IF pit of despair... During my last meltdown, one of our cats came and gave me a little kiss on the forehead.

areyoukiddingme said...

I had a dog who was ALWAYS the bad example during training class (Hey, A, do you think you can get your dog to {jump up, run away, not sit, not lie down, not stay, what have you)? Absolutely! She was 15 lb and I had to get her a pincher collar because a choke collar just didn't get her attention.). Anyway, they said to teach the dog the command OFF, and for it to mean that all 4 feet are on the ground. Then it becomes useful in a variety of situations - say, when the dog jumps up on anyone coming in the door, or jumps on the bed or the couch, or decided to beg from the table at full doggy extension. Anyway, when the paws come up on the couch or you or other, just firmly put them back down and say OFF.

Bo is very cute, and I hope he makes a decent distraction and a good comfort.

Kate said...

You will find (as I'm sure you already have) that in the times you are down and feeling defeated, your dog will be the best therapy there is... I wouldn't give mine up for the world!!! Congrats on the new arrival. :0)

Maggie said...

what a handsome boy! I hope you have many, many, many happy years together. :)

re: advice, I'll pass along the best advice we received when at wits end with our puppy, who was absolutely wild and chewed everything (even neighbors' shoelaces when we passed them on the sidewalk). use "three strikes" -- the first time Bo goes for the table leg, say in a loud, convincing tone "eh-eh!" or some other growly sound that is distracting and communicates your dislike of what he's doing (avoid the word "no" -- most dogs just don't get it). if he obeys, give him an acceptable chew toy to play with (a reward). if he goes back to the table leg within a few minutes, say "watch it" sternly, then give a toy. he might start to catch on at this point, but if he doesn't and goes back again, say "enough!" and take him by the collar to a dark, quiet space (we used our bathroom with the lights off). leave him in there for 10-20 seconds -- just enough time to be uncomfortable, but not long enough for him to feel abandoned or get into trouble with the toilet paper roll. we did "three strikes" with our puppy + positive reinforcement training (lots of treats, all the time) and now he's the most amazing dog. the best part is that now he knows "eh-eh" means "don't do that" so it's very, very effective at keeping his paws on the ground and his nose out of the garbage, etc.

good luck! :)

B. said...

Buy a slipcover and let Bo join you on the couch. He's too cute to leave on the floor, and there's othing like a warm furball snuggled up next to you on a wintry night.

Have fun being trained by Bo!

jenicini said...

Off is a great command for couches and beds. Do not give in and let Bo on them as a puppy! When he gets on the couch give him the command in a very stern voice. Then when he listens, shower him in praise.

I love that he is a treat-whore! Enjoy him because dogs are some of the best things in this world.

Anonymous said...

Oh! He's super cute! Enjoy him. We have 3 cats and love them to pieces. Animals can bring such joy to your life. Have fun!

Barefoot said...

Getting your face eaten off can sometimes be the best therapy. I hope Bo is providing you guys with some happy moments during what must be a very crappy couple of weeks.

Kate said...

How sweet - hope to see more photos in the future. Yay for puppy love.

irrationalexuberance said...

Wow he is a cutie. My golden retriever is now 9, and he makes this whole IF thing less painful. Incidentally, my 9yo pup is next to me on the sofa with his head on my lap, so good luck with that training...

Jendeis said...

Bo is Beautiful!! Good luck with the training thing. The Boy (our dog) owns all he surveys. :)

Anonymous said...


Bluebird said...

I am *so* happy to hear this. He will make your lives better, for sure :) I mean, how do you resist this:

". . he comforted me by sitting on my head and trying to eat my face."

My dogs are so damn self absorbed they don't even notice if I'm crying!!

Kim said...

he is absolutely adorable and probably just what you need right now. i dont know what i would do without my furbabies...they just know when you are upset and want to help. he will be great for you.

nurslouisa said...

Megan I love your blogg (and not just because it gives me another reason to obsess about my favorite topic) because it makes me laugh about something that usually makes me cry. I hope when this nightmare is over you print out all the entries and write a book. As for Bo, good job he's beautiful and I agree with the other comments, my dog and her unconditional love is part of the reason I have made as far as I have.

Michelle said...

He is too cute!!! Dogs are a wonderful thing to have. The unconditional love is so great!

Anonymous said...

Oh, he's gorgeous! I've always wanted a golden, but DH is allergic to shedding dogs. Maybe a golden doodle would work :). But really, he's sworn off getting a second dog altogether...he's no fun!

Amber C said...

Hi there. I found your blog today and wanted to say hello. I am in the process of interviewing new RE's right now. IVF is on the horizon for us and I have been searching blogs looking for stories that inspire me, your's inspires me. We live in ST. Louis and have a golden retriever named Wilson. He is five and he is the best thing that has happened to me other than my husband. I swear I speak Dog and that I know exactly what he is trying to tell me! The worst thing he ever did is eat $500 cash! That's right, 5 one hundred dollar bills. He didn't even "make change"! Anyway, jumping on the sofa is small potatoes compared to cash disappearing! My blog is:

please come visit!

ASP said...

Yah! Congrats- he's such a cutie! Crate training is probably your best bet as far as potty training goes and just using redirection when he jumps on the furniture. We don't allow our dogs on any people furniture. Personally, I think it's gross (hair, dirt, butt) but lots of people do it. I guess just being consistent is key to keeping him off of stuff. Have fun with the training! He's so super cute!

Bethany Lenhart said...

Congratulations!!!! My husband and I have two Golden Retrievers and by far they are the most wonderful pups in the world. They do not take the place of a baby, but boy do they warm your heart. I don't know what I would do without my goldies!!! I am soooo happy for you!!!

Mary said...

That makes me happy:)

Mad Hatter said...

My dear, your pup is ADORABLE! I was so sad to see your results from yesterday...My heart aches for you. Puppy therapy is truly the best kind...mine has been an absolute joy. And, get this - someone once told me a gypsy told her if she wanted to get pregnant, to get a puppy!!! Something hormonal must happen in us when we nurture a little being...Here's hoping!!! ;-)

MelissaP05 said...

He is so cute! Congrats on your new addition to the family. I really think animal therapy is the best medicine for IF woes.

Melissa G said...


And I am totally in on the animal therapy thing. My lab is the second best thing to come home to after a rotten day. And he seems to know when I'm sick or down, and makes and effort to snuggle with me.

Enjoy your new family member, it only gets better!

WannabeMommy said...

Aaah... dogs are such a wonderful distraction! Don't know how I'd survive without mine. He's beautiful, by the way!

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