OK...if this is what baby showers are coming to, I might be glad I'm not fertile...

This is from my new favorite site for a laugh. I don't know why I find these cakes so hilarious. Maybe it's because I like to bake and decorate cakes and I've had many a disaster myself? All I know is this one made me pee my pants (Unfortunately, I'm not joking.)
Soooooooo...I called the RE today. All because of this helpful comment from Chelle, "I completely understand. Completely. In my experience, even though I don't feel quite ready for the next step, I take it. More times than not, I am ready by the time it gets here."
This totally flipped my attitude. I'm back on the pill today. Shooting for an egg retrieval in the second week of March. I'm so glad I called. March seems so far away. And I can take the pill this cycle and change my mind if I'm not ready when lupron time comes. It seems like a win-win situation. Thanks so much for the comments. I love getting this support. I can't believe that the Internet is good for something besides porn!!!

This is from my new favorite site for a laugh. I don't know why I find these cakes so hilarious. Maybe it's because I like to bake and decorate cakes and I've had many a disaster myself? All I know is this one made me pee my pants (Unfortunately, I'm not joking.)
Soooooooo...I called the RE today. All because of this helpful comment from Chelle, "I completely understand. Completely. In my experience, even though I don't feel quite ready for the next step, I take it. More times than not, I am ready by the time it gets here."
This totally flipped my attitude. I'm back on the pill today. Shooting for an egg retrieval in the second week of March. I'm so glad I called. March seems so far away. And I can take the pill this cycle and change my mind if I'm not ready when lupron time comes. It seems like a win-win situation. Thanks so much for the comments. I love getting this support. I can't believe that the Internet is good for something besides porn!!!
I love that cake! It makes me glad that I am not having a baby.
I'm pleased to hear that you are on track and feeling better.
OMG that cake is hilarious. Not one I would want but hilarious!
Wonder if they make them in breach?
The cake is a trip. How on earth did you find that? How did the person who finds these cakes find it?!
Glad to hear you're feeling back up to "going through" it all again. I'm also considering if I would do it all again too. (I probably will, at least once more.)
i just about crapped my pants seeing that cake!!
Best of luck for the egg retrieval!! :)
Thanks for the laugh - much needed! Glad you took the step today. It's always good to put things in motion somehow. I think it makes me feel like I have a teeny, tiny bit of control over this whole thing.
Yep, porn and cakes that are completely wrong. That's what the internet is good for.
Glad you have decided to keep your options open.
That's great that you called the RE and think you might move forward. I'm so happy for you:) And like you said, you can still cancel if you want. But, now you have your options open. That's awesome.
ROFL...love it!
That's a funny cake!!
OH YAY! I am so happy that you have a schedule! ~And like you said, if your not ready when it's here you can cancel!!
LOL-that cake is hilarious!!
I'm so happy that you called the RE and are scheduled for IVF come March!! We're on the side lines cheering for you. :)
Totally love the cakes! I'm saving the site for a good laugh!! Thanks for sharing. :)
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