Friday, March 27, 2009

Family's Coming, Hide the Meds

I have six people coming to stay at my house this weekend. The house guests are comprised of mothers and sisters and aunts and cousins. When I planned this weekend I was to be at the tail end of a two week wait and looking for a distraction. Now I wish I had a way out. But they are coming. In fact, they are here. My sister is at a local mall as we speak.

As part of our home preparation for house guests (washing sheets, cleaning guest baths, and dusting our formal living and dining room that we otherwise never go in) I was told by my husband to do something with the pile of fertility related medicines and syringes that have been piled on my kitchen counter for the last six months. I move this pile at least once a week to give the kitchen counters a thorough wiping, but I have never bothered to find a more proper place for medicine storage. So I threw all the medicines and syringes in a tote bag and put tote bag on the top shelf of a closet. Proper storage found.

As hubby was cleaning out the fridge I told him that he should probably do something with our collection of refrigerated fertility meds. I came back to find him hiding the meds in the fridge behind packages of deli meat. I told him, "Why don't you just take the meds to the fridge downstairs." I could tell that he felt emasculated in the face of my genius because he responded, "Since you are so full of good ideas, why don't you take them downstairs."

Ahhh...preparing for house guests is so much fun.


Barefoot said...

Ah, yes -- the infertility cleanup. Sometimes my MIL cat-sits for us when we're away and stays at the house, and there's always a great deal of last-minute scouring. It's so funny the way you don't even notice all of the meds, calendars, books, needles and sharps containers anymore!

Anonymous said...

My mil watches the dogs & cats. We have to ditch, the meds, opks, moniter, preg tests, calendars, books. In fact shes coming tomorrow and thats what I will be doing the rest of the evening. That and vaccuming, otherwise she will leave me a b*tchy note about how she haaaad to vaccum, sigh

oklaln86 said...

Somehow, even after hiding all my infertility paraphernalia they still seem to find my stash!

UnicornMommy said...

Yup. We have my MIL's best friend and hubby coming tomorrow for lunch for Bugs bday. I need to do a quick cleaning and move my OPK. Which are on the vanity next to the toilet. Need to empty the trash next to the toilet where I could actually make some pretty elaborate Ti-pees (sp?) out of used OPK sticks.

Not quite the clean out you need to do. But the need to staff things is there.

Have fun with your company.

Anonymous said...

I "hide" mine in the hydrator...the family can't figure out why we never store our lettuce there. LOL.

Diana said...

What about the phone consult? Wasn't that today?
Thanks for your note on my blog by the way. Your comment about Michael's and the trailers was interesting, of course I wouldn't have known that. I'm always amazed by how crowded it is in there, so I was surprised to see their on "deathwatch" (or whatever it is called).
Are you scrapping at all these days by the way?

Diana said...

I meant to say "they're" not their oops

Michelle said...

Gotta love it...or you'll go crazy. Wll now that it is all cleaned up I hope you do have a good weekend with your family.

ME! said...

I think the deli meat might have not hidden them...who doesn't love a midnight sandwhich??? Hid it behind the container of leftover tuna casserole??? WINNER!! :) Good luck, and I hope you have a great visit. I hope you get a great report.

Mary said...

How long will they be there for? Don't get drunk and spill the beans. That's totally something I would do...and then want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon the next day.

kirke said...

I love that he hid them behind the deli meats....what if someone went to make a sandwich?

I also love his response to your better idea :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha. i remember those days. now all of my crap is still sitting everywhere. my massive sharps box is in the laundry room and i'm sure it scares guests when they walk through. :)

Erica said...

This post made me laugh - our husbands must be friends. :)

Not that you're asking for my opinion, but I'm going to give it anyway - just on this topic. I think it's good that you had to put your meds away. Now, please keep them out of your view until you need them. I don't think you need any additional reminders of the hell you're enduring. I keep mine in the basement.

Good luck with your guests. I'll be thinking of you.

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