Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wants vs. Needs: Updated After Appointment

Wants vs. needs. It’s a constant internal struggle. Growing up in a blue collar family in a very rural part of Iowa I understood the difference between wants and needs from an early age. Needs were always met. Wants were a rare treat, something to be cherished.

Now that I am older I am able to satisfy more of my wants. Of course not every want is satisfied, but the line between wants and needs has been blurred. Sometimes wants seem more like needs, but they are not. They are really still just wants.

So how did I want this IVF cycle to go? Well, quite obviously I wanted lots of mature eggs leading to lots of viable embryos leading to two healthy babies.

That’s not going to happen.

So what do I need? I only need one follicle, leading to one egg, leading to one embryo, leading to one sweet baby.

Update: Still have three growing follicles. Retrieval will be Saturday.


Anonymous said...

You'll get there hun, you will.

Big huge squishy hugs

Amber said...

Well said! I couldn't agree with you more on needs/wants. Good luck!!!


Anonymous said...

That's so true! We're all rooting for you :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right. Here's hoping this is your one, much-needed (and wanted) baby-in-the-making!

the misfit said...

You know, that's a really wise observation. I grew up poor, too, and now I find myself jistifying all these "needs" that I don't have. My friends and I always used to say "it only takes one" with our really difficult job searches, even though it was so hard to believe that, and I think the same is true here.

Jo said...

Hoping that you can hold onto this mantra through the LONG 2WW. It's been mine for quite some time! I am really, really, really hoping this is it for you.


Bluebird said...

I'm so impressed that you realize this. You're so, so right. I hope you get what you need :)

Just me said...

What a great post. Totally resonates with me.

Hoping for 3 quality eggs and a successful cycle for you!!!!

Paula Keller said...

And that is the way to look at it! :)

Gabby said...

wow that is beautiful - that's what i want for you, too!

hoping for good news!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how our expectations and wants change as a cycle progresses? Thinking of you!

Pamela T. said...

Wishing you the very best on this cycle...

just me, dawn said...

very well said, hoping you get what you want, but especially that you get what you need!

Frau said...

Hoping for the best. I shocked the RE by getting more eggs than visible follicles. (Of course most of those eggs weren't worth jack, but that's another story.)

Liz said...

I hope you get what you need.


Tiger said...

I am praying for you!!
This post was beautiful and so very true!!

Tiffanie said...

motherfucker. i am sorry you are not reponding well to the meds. i am in the same boat. last week i had >8 follicles, mon there was 8 and now today i have 5-7 (some will be too small @ retrieval). this is bullshit. all this for nothing? totally unfair. ivf can kiss my ass.

Erica said...

Keep your focus on the "need." You will get there, Megan! Quality over quantity...every single time.

Keep your chin up. Sending a giant hug your way.

andi said...

Really hoping you get that sweet baby.

Thanks for all your lovely comments.

Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

That just stinks that you didn't get too many follies. Dang it! Doesn't the fertility god know it's your time?

But yes, all you need is one. I have an online friend who only had one embie make it to transfer and that embie took.

One is a magic number!

satto said...

This is something I NEED to remember.

Thank you.

B MoM said...

Excellent outlook!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard not to beat ourselves up when things don't go the way we expect. I'm sorry your count wasn't huge, but maybe these are all quality eggs - I'll be sending good thoughts your way. At this point you ARE just along for the ride - good luck!

Chelle said...

Great outlook-and I totally agree!!!

I'm thinking of you. GL on Saturday!

Josée Martens said...

I hope you get three (or a few more hidden) gorgeous embies from this retrieval. Good luck triggering and at retrieval.

Bethany Lenhart said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Jennifer Wempe said...

That's putting it into perspective and very well said. The lines have started to blur for me too. Thanks for the reminder! It was EXTREMELY well timed.

Anonymous said...

Very insightful and well put (needs vs wants) You've got what YOU NEED one of of those 3 follies will take and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Caroline said...

Hi friend,

Hang in there! I am with you on this rollercoaster ride. xx

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