Friday, May 15, 2009

Cranking Up the Ol' Hope - O - Meter

E2 levels - passed @ 10.

Baseline ultrasound - passed no cysts.

Period - got it today.

That means I start stimming on Tuesday!!!

We counted 6 or 7 baby follicles on the left ovary and 2 baby follicles on the right ovaries (but we couldn't see my right ovary very good...well? good?)

So, I am cranking up the Hope-O-Meter to a 3. I'm starting to get cautiously optomistic. This is farther than I got with number 2.


Misty said...

Hooray! That is GREAT news! No! I'm rooting for you!

Amber said...

Good luck!!!

princessoftides said...

Woo hoo! One step at a time :)

BTW, I think it's "well" :)

Triumph in Learning said...

Whoo Hoo!! For no Cysts!! I was also happy when I went in for my
1st baseline and they were no cysts for me either:)

Hope this time is it for both of us!!


Tiger said...

AWESOME news :)
YAY YAY YAY :) :) :)
Praying this is the cycle for you :) You are on your way ((SUPER HUGS))

Valerie said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! That's terrific news!

Sending well wishes your way!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so happy that you get to start stims!

areyoukiddingme said...

I do love the Hope-O-Meter! And I'm so glad everything is looking so good.

Diana said...

Good going so far. I've been thinking about you and wondering how it's going. yay.

the misfit said...

What are the standards for the hope-o-meter levels?

barrenisthenewblack said...

Seriously, I am so stoked for you! Come stim with me! I'm ok with the fact that you are going to lap me in follicles.
If you send me the hope-o-meter standards I'll install them on my blog:)

Caroline said...

I'm so glad to hear this news. You deserve a smooth cycle. x

babydust81 said...

HI there,

Thanks for dropping by my site. Thanks for the good luck wishes. Your results are looking great too at the moment. Hope this cycle of yours is the charmed one. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Keep that hope alive!

Anonymous said...

this is great news!! i'm super glad to hear about the labs and follicle count. :) i can't believe this cycle is starting!!! wahoo.


Mo said...

whoo hoo! yay for hope! sounds like you're on your way!


Eve said...

Dang, your comment box hates me today!!!!! So wishing that your hope-o-meter stays cranked up permanently. Yay for no cysts!!!!

I'll try to sign off with my google account (but it's Eve from infertilty rocks).

Erica said...

Great news, Megan!

Anonymous said...

Glad there are no nasty cysts and your levels are all great! Surely this is a sign of great things to come - love the hope-o-meter!

Tiffanie said...


bring on the drugs:)

Misty Dawn said...

wooohooo good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Good luck!

IF Optimist, then... said...

Congrats on the good results so far. I'm happy to see your meter is rising. I'll be right behind you as I think I start stimming on Friday. I believe AF is imminent.

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