Friday, February 19, 2010

I Need A Miracle

7dp5dt and I tested negative.

I don't understand why this is not meant to work for us.

We are good people.

We would make good parents.

My husband and I are falling apart.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Megan - I'm heartbroken for you. I so thought this was going to be the one for you and your husband. I'm wishing you both healing and peace...and wishing for a miracle for you.

Trinity said...

I'm so very sorry. I can only imagine what you must be going through now. Be strong.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I can't even imagine how you must both be feeling. Nothing anyone can say will make this better but know that my thoughts are with you.

Kim said...

I don't get it. I just don't. I am so very sorry. Lots of love and hugs.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ASP said...

I'm so sorry.

twondra said...

Wow...I'm heartbroken for you. I don't get it either sweetie. I'm thinking of you. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry, I had a feeling that this time was it for you guys, don't know why but I did....there is still time..

I don't understand why good people who would make wonderful parents struggle to have their own child, it truly seems unfair.

I know it's hard but turn to each other for support, you can get through this, you know you can it just doesn't feel like it right now.


Anonymous said...

Damn it. I'm so sorry. Nothing about this is good or fair or even a little bit ok. Thinking of you both.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if this is true...but there are a lot of women who don't test + (me being one of them) until 14 dpo--your the equivilent of 12. Don't loose hope yet....but still sorry because there is nothign worse than a BFN no matter when it comes.

Kore said...

I'm so, so sorry.

Michelle said...

I am so sorry but I am holding out hope that it was still a little early. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Damn it. I really hoped this would be it for you. It's not fair, it really isn't.

Praying for you.

Heather said...

I'm so sorry. I know how awful this feels. And I ask myself every. single. day why IF is so unfair. Still waiting on an answer. Praying for a miracle for you.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

sending the strength of 1000 women your way. we are pulling for you!

Liz said...

I'm so, so sorry. There's nothing else I can say.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for your miracle.

Mrs. Lemon said...

It is still early! Don't fret yet. I know many people who don't test postive this early. Keeping the faith for you!

Rebecca said...

I'm just so sorry.

6c6f6c796f75617265616a6f6b65 said...

Sending you a big hug via thought wave. I'm holding onto hope for you.

SS said...

I am so sorry.

Kate said...

Crap - this sucks. I'm so sorry.

Pie said...

Oh no. I'm still hoping for a miracle for you. (((BIG HUGS)))

aimeemax said...

:( that's awful ... but it is still early, I hope that you get a BFP over the next couple of days.

Carrie said...

I'm so sorry.....I really do know the feeling of hopeless, sadness, and emptiness. I wish I could take the pain all away and give us BOTH the miracle we so desperately are seeking. My heart hurts for you.....

Kate said...

Damn, life sure is unfair.
Hope the test is wrong, but if not, I'd guess you just (with shitty luck) fell on the wrong side of the stats. Most clinics only have a 35-50% success rate per cycle with 2 embryos transferred, if I'm remembering correctly. And you have had an embryo implant before, which has to be a good sign.
A friend from ivfconnections went through the same thing. IVF, got something like 32 eggs retrieved, froze a bunch of the eggs, fertilized the rest, ended up with a bunch of blasts (something like 8?). Transferred two fantastic blasts, and they didn't take. Her FET after that worked though, and she's got to be about 37 weeks with a singleton now.
So although this is a huge kick in the teeth and you'll be sad and angry and discouraged for a while, you made a bunch of fantastic embryos with this cycle. Responded well to the stims. And hopefully you've got some frozen to transfer later on when you're mentally ready to cycle again.

Meg. said...

I'm going to praying that these babes are simply late implanters.

I'm so incredibly sorry for the punch to the gut and the heart ache. IF has no rhyme or reason. It's unfair, on a good day.

snhg1129 said...

I am saying a little prayer that maybe you just tested to early.

Kate said...

I am so sorry. Praying for a miracle.

B. said...

I'm still hanging onto hope for this cycle. And wishing there were something fair about this whole mes of IF.

Allison said...

Praying for a miracle as well.

Melissa G said...


I'm so, so, so sorry.

Kate said...

I'm going to tell you what you would tell me,
I am really sorry, that sucks ass.
It is still early. Early. Today is the earliest. Tomorrow will be better. I am still hoping for you for this to work out-- look at all that went right!

I'm very sorry about today though, no matter what. There is almost nothing suckier that that fucking empty space on the pee stick.


Meez said...

I'm so sorry,

big hugs to you and your husband

BB said...

Praying for a miracle for you hon! So sorry you are having to go through this!

Marcia said...

I'm so very sorry.

jenicini said...

So sorry. Thinking of you.

Lisa said...

oh man... this sucks. i'm thinking of you and hoping that you're just going to get a late bfp.

Nic said...

Oh shit, I am so sorry. I really hope that this is just a late BFP.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I am 2dp3dt and my doctor told me that it can be 11dpt before you even get a positive. Just wait and keep praying!

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be annoying, but it IS still really early to get a positive, and there may very well be reason to still hope. I am hoping and hoping and hoping that your baby is implanting right now and will be turning that pee stick into double lines in the next day or two.

Hoping, hoping, hoping.

Mo said...

No no no!!! This is supposed to be your time! Finally! And long overdue! THis completely sucks and is totally unfair. That said, I am going to continue to hope for you for the next couple of days - wishing fervently for some late implanters (or maybe a faulty pregnancy test?)

Thinking of you.


Maggie said...

I'm hoping beyond hope that this is not a true bfn, and that like my experience, it was a crappy blip before the bfp that followed days later.

there is reason to keep hope alive for this cycle.


Anonymous said...

oh god. I hate it when people go through this pain. I am thinking of you... its so hard.

Andie said...

I'm so sorry. I am thinking of you and your husband. This journey is so difficult. Take care. You two will get through this together.

I'm hoping along with the others that it turns out to be a late positive.

Anonymous said...

So sorry! :( I dont get it either.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for a miracle right now. Hoping that there is still a chance...

Mrs.X said...

I sincerely with all my heart hope that things still work out for you. I first tested at 8dp5dt and got a faint line then. I hope that you can have that same experience.

If it is indeed negative, I'm sending all of my hugs to you. I've been there and it sucks.

Sarah said...

Shit. I'm so sorry, hun.

WannabeMommy said...

God damn it!! I share your pain and wish I knew that answer.

'Murgdan' said...

This shit is no freakin' fair. I am so sorry. Wishing for your miracle.

hope4joy said...

I am so sorry. I know it isn't enough but I am thinking of you and your husband.

Leslie said...

I am so sorry! I will h&p for you that it is still early!!

finch said...

So unfair. Hold out hope for a couple more days. It's still early.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. ((Hugs)) and hopes that it's still just too early.

Anonymous said... {{HUGS}}}

Illanare said...

I'm really sorry.

Babysteps said...

Grrrr.... this makes me wanna knock someone "up there" out... POW, right in the kisser!
I hope you tested again - 7 days can be too early. I was pg. twice in the past 4 years and neither of them showed up positive on a stupid hpt. (I am still without children, but wanted to at least share my hatred of HPTs).
I am really sorry.... there is nothing, NOTHING worse than going through all that we do and waking up one morning to pee on a damn stick and seeing that one shitty line!!!
Here's hoping that your HCG isn't detectable yet!!!!!!

the misfit said...

I'm so sorry. I have - NO - idea why it doesn't work out for some of us, why there are such amazing wonderful people out there and they get everything tested, and fixed, and they WANT to be parents, which some actual parents don't, and they pour their hearts into it, and - no. I want to see that there's a reason, that it makes sense, and I see nothing. Here's hoping for your miracle.

Rambler said...

I'm sorry to have you post this. Very sorry.

Thinking of you and DH.

Ellen said...

It isn't fair. We know life's not fair but after reading your blog for the last few months, I want this so much for you (and for me!). Hang in there. There is a bigger plan that we don't yet understand. Sending prayers your way!

IF Optimist, then... said...

I'm so sorry honey. Everything was looking so fabulous with the cycle. I will send love and hopes that this is a little too early and that you'll get some good news.

lastchanceivf said...

Fuckity fuck fuck. All I can say is that I know this pain having gone through it five times myself...and there isn't much worse than having the 'last chance ivf' not work. It makes no sense, this much I do know. I am just so sorry.

AmyG said...

Aw, damn. Like everyone else, I'm so sorry about the negative result.

MHS said...

I'm so sorry.

heartincharge said...

Oh Megan! Sorry to be late! Sending you hugs.

LiL Moo & Mee said...

I'm so sorry, sending lots of hugs to both of you.

Mo said...

still thinking of you. still hoping for you.


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