Sunday, February 7, 2010

Prepare to Have Your Minds Blown

[I just woke up from my post anesthesia coma and my husband has confirmed all these facts].

I awoke to the nurse telling me that they retrieved twenty six eggs.

I didn't believe them. I asked them to double check.

Then they came back and told me that they retrieved thirty two eggs.

They asked Tony to go rub one out again to make sure they had enough good sperm.

I got to drink some Sprite while I waited.

If this were my first IVF I would be super excited right now, but this is my fifth attempt. I can only assume that something will go wrong.


Aisha said...

32 is amazing! hoping and hoping here.

JB said...

Good god, that is a fantastic harvest! Hoping for an equally good fert report!

Paula Keller said...

Wow! That is SPECTACULAR! I'm so excited for you!

I bet you get lots of frozens with that number.

Bookerson said...

OMG! Get plenty of rest after that marathon! Hoping for a great fert. report.

hope4joy said...

HOLY CRAP! That is a huge number. Get some well deserved rest.

Anonymous said...

Wow wow wow wow wow!!!!! Fantastic number! Wow!

Tracey said...

Be excited! My 5th cycle was the strongest, who knows why... Can't wait for the fertilization report!

Amber said...

You should feel about 10 pounds lighter after having that many eggs retrieved! Way to go!!! I'm crossing my fingers...

Liz said...

I've never heard of tat many being retrieved. Wishing you so, so much luck on this one.

Carrie said...

That's super!!! Congrats!! Keep us posted on fert. report!!!

maxandzuzu said...

Wholly crap! I've never had that many before. A BFP has to be somewhere out there for you!

Good luck!


Amy said...

OMG that is INSANE! Standing by and waiting for a good fertility report!

niobe said...

Wow. Hoping the rest of the cycle goes just as amazingly well.

none said...

Wow, I just got my head blown off. Wishing you great fertilization and a fine crop of embies. ++++ thoughts!

Jendeis said...

Wow - what a great haul!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! I'm so excited for you. I completely understand how different this would be if it were a first cycle - I'm in the same place, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hopefully it is just our turn for some good stuff.

'Murgdan' said...

*jaw dropped* *catching flies* Holy SHIT!

gwinne said...

Oh my goodness!!! Congrats! How many did you expect going in?

Anonymous said...


That is just amazing! I'm praying for a great fert. report!

Andie said...

Oh my goodness!!!Can't wait to hear the fert report as well.

PS. Just wanted to let you know that my doc told me during the poor quality options discussion that HGH improves egg quality.

Wishing you the best of luck!

finch said...

Your IVF cycles are better every time, but this one really tops them all. I can't believe that someone with high FSH could get this many eggs! Amazing! It seems like you've already overcome a lot of the hurdles you encountered in the past. Enjoy this success!

aimeemax said...

Thirty fricking two!?!?! That is amazing - (thanks Growth hormone?). I am hoping that your baby is in that batch!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thank you for information!

IF Optimist, then... said...

I am indeed quite blown away madam. GREAT FREAKING JOB! No negative nellie thoughts here. Look at the good, be happy and we'll just wait for more great news in the days to come.

ASP said...

WOW! Standing ovation going on Chicago right now! Way to go, Ovaries! Wishing you lots and lots of perfect embies!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Wow! Fingers crossed for you.

Rest up!

bibc said...

i dont think ive ever heard of that many being retrieved!
good for you :)
blessings that this cycle will be the one!

Meez said...

That's amazing! Its a number's game really - the more the better! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

My donor had her egg retrieval today as well, and she too did very well. So looks like we'll be testing about the same time! This is my first donor IVF (but 6th IVF) so I am right there with you, i.e, not a newbie! Good luck!

jenicini said...

What in the world?!? My mind is blown! Just take it one day at a time. Can't wait to hear the fert report!

areyoukiddingme said...

Awesome! One step at a time.

Do you feel like an overworked chicken?

Love that you made Tony "rub one out." I don't get to hear that phrase often enough any more!

Melissa G said...

WOW 32!!! I know it's hard to be hopeful considering everything you've been through. So I'll do it for you. Looking at your past results, 32 is amazing and I think it's just a sign of good things to come. I can't wait to hear the fert report.

Hoping and praying SO hard for you.

Kate said...

Well holy shit, that's a lot of follicles. I'm pretty sure you'll end up with some nice blasts giving that starting point.
I do know one person from a bulletin board who did consecutive transfers - 2 on day 3 and 1 blast on day 5. And she got pg for the first time ever after multiple failed cycles.
Hope youg et a great fert report tomorrow

Panamahat said...

So far, so good! Looking forward to hearing about an excellent fert report!

Brooke said...

Good luck with your fert report! That is an amazing number, I bet there are lots of good ones in that group. Kudos to your DH, for 'rubbing one out' twice! LOL.


Kim said...

Holy eggs Batman!!! Best of luck!!1 Waiting for the fertilization report!

kdactyl said...

Oh! My! Gahw! That is will they ever choose which lovely embryo to send back to the mothership...Ahhhhhh. So nice to have options. Yay for a great stim...makes all that discomfort worth it. I will be praying for a great Fert report tomorrow and lots of little embies for transfer and for the freezer for the siblings! tee hee


Shannon said...

Absolutely amazing, I can't wait to see the rest of the weeks posts!

Alice said...

Fantastic! Grow embies, grow!

Mad Hatter said...

I can't even write this comment because my mind has been blown clear out the window!!! WOW!!!!!! Incredible!!! Sending lots of fertilizing thoughts!!

Anonymous said...

wow. got my fingers crossed for you girl!!!! that is some serious egg incubating you have done!! way to go!

Dora said...

Holy crap! That is mind blowing. There just HAS to be a baby in there!

Anonymous said...

Consider my mind blown. Wow.

Sarah said...

32?! Thats amazing!

I've got just about everything crossed for you, sweetie!

Shinejil said...

Wow. Amazing!

I've got everything crossed for you, and hope you get your mind blown for the next 9 mos to 18 years.

Kate said...

WOW! What a great next step! Hoping it's the first of much good news in this cycle!

Kore said...

Yea! Let us know your fert report and how your transfers go. You've got lots of people rooting for you!

Kate said...

Congratulations Megan and holy shit woman that is one seriously amazing number!
Hoping for great news today,
great news


Anonymous said...

"rub one out"
Love it.

Good luck and HOLY EGGOs baby!

Linda said...

Hi! I had an egg retrieval surgery the same day as you. That's awesome that you got so many!! They got 15 eggs from me, but as of this morning we have 8 embryos still doing good. Good luck to us both!!! :-)

Gabby said...

my mind is BLOWN! you are a rockstar uterus woman! something is different this cycel. I think that means something very very positive!!!

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