Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Three follicles today.

Disappointment doesn't really fully describe my feelings, more like devastated.

My doctor wants to move forward with IVF, says it would be foolish to do an IUI and hope for more next time.

My husband says that this is far from what we want, but farther than we have ever been before.

I'm now just along for the ride. We'll see what happens.

Update: The reason my doctor does not want to do IUI is that he doesn't think we will EVER get more eggs than this. With my husband's male factor issues he thinks that IVF is the best chance of having a baby even with few eggs retrieved.


Amber said...

I'm sorry...


Liz said...

Sorry, I'm confused. Is the doctor saying no IUI? Why not? Here (in the UK) you can't do IUI if youhave more than 3 follicles. Or am I completely missing the point?

Megan said...

I asked if it was worthwhile to do an IVF with only three follicles or should we do IUI instead. He wants to move forward with IVF.

Cady said...

i'm sorry about the number of follies. i wonder why he'd rather move forward with ivf. three just seems like such a small number for that. i would probably want to convert to iui. does he think you'll have more before retrieval?

Melissa said...

My heart goes out to you. Keep smiling!

Bluebird said...

I'm sorry. And I'm thinking of you. ((Hugs))

Melis.sa said...

I'm sorry. I don't get why he wouldn't do the iui though

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I won't give you the whole quality vs. quantity spiel but that’s what my RE kept saying to me. I can’t say that it made me feel better though. I hope you get 3 stellar eggs from those follicles!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I'm hoping you have success with IVF regardless!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but hoping that you trump the odds, and get a baby or three from those follicles!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're not getting the numbers you want. Hoping it works out, despite the low numbers.

Jill said...


just me, dawn said...

i am so sorry. and for your previous post about a whole new world. hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Oh Megan, I am so sorry. I hope that those three are super fantastic eggs that will become beautiful embryos and that you will get pregnant with at least one of them. Hugs.

Liz said...

Ahhh! I get it now. Sorry for being dumb. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the low follie count. I hope the IVF is a still a success!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Megan - I'm so sorry to hear about the counts. I'm hoping and praying that IVF is the ticket for you guys.


IF Optimist, then... said...

I'm really sorry about the low count. Hoping the quality is super. I can see why your Dr. would want to do IVF (much higher success rate vs. IUI). Best wishes and good luck.

satto said...

I'm so sorry.

Finn's Mom said...

I'm so sorry about the disappointment. Being a low responder myself, I know the heartbreak and frustration of those unresponsive follies. My RE plans on going ahead with my IVF too, if I can muster 3 or more follies (he'd be delirious with 5). If we get less than 3, it'll be IUI. So maybe 3 is a magic cutoff?

Anyway, I've got all my crossables crossed for you that your ovaries have put all their concentration into these 3 follies to make them the BEST most fantastic quality follies ever. It's a cliche, but it really does just take one, and you have three to work with.

Good luck, I'll be keeping tabs on you!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry that you don't have more eggs you are dealing with. I wish I had some comforting words, but all I can say is HOLY CRAP THIS ALL SUCKS!!!

Thinking of you.

Tara said...

I'm commenting once for this post and your last. How I so feel your pain. I'm 30, have always had regular periods...and this is my last IVF that my DR will do with my eggs. I don't know how to cope and move forward...but I don't know how to hope anymore either.

I'm praying that 1 (or 2!) of those 3 are your baby.

Hillary said...

So sorry things aren't going how you want. But who knows, during retrieval he could find more that just aren't showing up on the ultrasound. It's all a crap shoot anyway, so you might as well go big or go home, right?

What's your E2 level? My RE said it's the best indicator of mature follicles (probably why I had like 20 follicles on the scan but only had 10 retrieved/8 mature).

What's your dose of Follistim? I was frustrated by my lack of progress on a low dose, so I just started giving myself a little bit more (bad, I know).

Anonymous said...

but this IS farther than you've ever gotten, right? maybe your body is just producing three really good ones :)


Anonymous said...

i'm with you - i have never had more than three eggs at retrieval. my RE says i won't get anymore than that, either - considering the dosages of stims i was on, i believe him. but i'm old. so there is that.

is there somewhere on your blog where i can find your protocol?

Mo said...

Oh Megan, what a roller coaster. to go from overstimming to this. how frustrating. I am so sorry. I still hope this cycle works out for you, but I feel your pain.


M said...

so sorry to hear your low follie count. that's really upsetting. i did want to lend some encouragement though. sometimes they can retrieve more eggs then the follicle count. also, i've know pregnancies that resulted from 3-5 eggs retrieved. it is a cliche, but it does only take one. i'll be thinking of you...

Paula Keller said...

Uhhh..., I hate that feeling.

We went through that twice last year with our first two IVF attempts. I really wished they would have gone ahead and done IVF with us instead of converting to IUI. My husband has that 1 percent morphology issue.

The protocol change to Estrogen Priming with an Antagonist Protocol w/a ton of Gonal F seemed to be the trick.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping for a good fertilization report.

areyoukiddingme said...

Well, it doesn't sound like great news, but it doesn't sound like terrible news either. Keeping the hope-o-meter at 3 over here! Quality is more important than quantity...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry mate. It must have been a sucker punch to hear them say "3"!

But I'm hoping that in the 3 there lies "the one". I know the quality over quantity thing is annoying to hear, but my FS believes it to be true for me. So I hope its the same for you.

Take care of yourself, and good luck with the cycle!

B MoM said...

ugh! boo! I'm glad to see that you've already got lotsa support on your blog, but wanted to chime in and say...boo, I'm rooting for you and DH and this news just blows.

Anonymous said...

I was in the same situation with my last retrieval the end of March. A couple of people said to me "it only takes one." Honestly, I wanted to drop kick them. That is the last thing I wanted to hear.

I am here to offer encouragement. We only had two eggs retrieved and one was able to be fertilized. The one embryo transferred stuck and I am 10w2d as of today. I hope that you have the same luck we had.

Anonymous said...

I was in the same situation with my last retrieval the end of March. A couple of people said to me "it only takes one." Honestly, I wanted to drop kick them. That is the last thing I wanted to hear.

I am here to offer encouragement. We only had two eggs retrieved and one was able to be fertilized. The one embryo transferred stuck and I am 10w2d as of today. I hope that you have the same luck we had.

Sarah said...

I'm sorry sweetie. I think you should trust your Doctor.

Caroline said...

I am so sorry - IVF is a horrible rollercoaster. Hugs to you. x

Sky's The Infinity said...

What your Dr. is thinking makes sense to me. So sorry that you are not getting the results that you are looking fwd to. I hope that the IVF will be a success for you...

Eb said...

oh babe. so sorry the numbers not higher but it only takes... well you know. I am hoping for you and DH

'Murgdan' said...

So sorry you only have three...but also so happy you have three. It's true, it's farther than you've ever made it before. I hope the ride is the best you're along for is the best one you've ever taken.

Kate said...

Shit about the 3, I hate how fickle and crazy ART is-- too much! too little! ohferchrissakes why can't this be simple!? I am glad they'll go ahead with IVF-- my clinic has 3 as the cutoff too-- I wish you all good things.

Anonymous said...

ick. not the best news. I'm sorry you had to hear that. I can imagine how much that sucked. I'm rooting for those three just the same. Maybe one is the one.

oklaln86 said...

I'm so sorry. ((hugs))

Gabby said...

i'm so sorry. three follicles is very distressing.. but don't lose hope! the percentages of viable embryos increases with lower numbers.. and maybe there is more in there! everythign is crossed for you!

JJ said...

Its never easy to deal with numbers in this journey--all the stress of how many to grow, how many to retrieve, how many to transfer...etc. I am so hopeful that the clinic takes great care of your precious bundle! Ill be back to check on you--hope its all uphill from here...

Anonymous said...

Here from L&F and wanted to wish you luck with your 3.

I was in this situation last year and now have a 5 month old daughter. It truly does only take 1 and I hope you get your 1.

Good luck

Tiger said...

I am so sorry it is not going the way you thought. I am praying for you!!

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