I was intrigued. The thought that if we never had children we would make some major lifestyle change had never occured to me.
Once he said it, the idea grew on me. If we can't have children, why bother living in a suburban home in a good school district? If we can't have children, what's the point in killing ourselves to succeed in our professional jobs? If we can't have children, why is it important to live near family?
The Key West Contingency Plan has since been fleshed out. Of course there will be lots of drinking and lots of Cuban food. My husband intends to get a job in the little booth where they sell trolley tickets to tourists (he saw an employment ad online). I hope to find a job as a bookkeeper. We have even looked online at homes we might purchase.
Sometimes the Key West Contingency Plan is replaced by the Prince Edward Island Contingency Plan.

In this plan we move to Prince Edward Island and walk on the beach every morning looking for sea glass and avoiding jellyfish. We buy a sweet little farm and eat lots of seafood. We still have to work out jobs (which might require obtaining work permits) and also a winter plan because the winters up there have to be harsh.
I guess we do this to make us feel like everything might be OK if we don't become parents. What's your plan B?
We don't have a plan B...but I love yours! though honestly I hope plan A works out instead!
We don't really consider it Plan B -- but we, also, have talked about moving to the Keys. We'd both teach, though how on earth we could then AFFORD the Keys is unclear. . .but GOD the VIEWS!!!!!
We honestly have not talked about a plan b. Although I think your Price Edward Island's Winter plan could be Key West. :) I like the way you are thinking- I will have to tell my DH and am sure he would be on board! LOL
I love this. We haven't really fleshed out the plan B yet, but we do say things occasionally like "if we never have kids, let's just travel the world and enjoy really good food." Conversations like that really can take some of the sting out of infertility, at least for me. I actually think we might move to Europe if we end up not having children.
Sounds like a good idea to me!!
"Personally" plan B for me is to adopt, I personally don't think I'll ever be satified with out becomeing a mother, one way or the other. I remember when I was growing up the main things I wanted to be was... a wife & a mother:)
I do understand that adoption is not for everyone, and I do have "many" fears if it comes down to that for dh & I. I just want Gods will in my life, and a want to be able to except it. Even though for a person like me who wants WHAT they WANT and WHEN they WANT it.. That is a very hard thing.. But all I can do is try:)
GOOD LUCK, But I'm still praying that everything will work out & that you won't have to go with your plan B:)
We don't have a plan B.....I'm almost 35 and the kids thing is kinda my obsession. Hmm.... I love your ideas.
Infertility does really sting, that's for d^%$ sure.
I am so on board with this plan...hubs and I have contemplated working a little beachside bar in some tropical locale.
Cuz if we don't have a little one, what the heck is all this for?
We've already implemented our plan B. We were sick of waiting around for something to happen and moved to Australia!!
But as we have got here, the baby plan has ramped up. So we have a plan C.
No babies? We move to Vancouver.
Who knows what will happen after that!
We have a plan to move to Kona, Hawaii and be coffee farmers.
This and some of your other posts I've been perusing gave me a good chuckle. It's so important (and so hard) to keep our sense of humor. Your Plan B sounds perfect!!!
No kidding...ours is to move to Key West as well. Scott wants to sell the suburban house and buy a boat. I'm still hoping this baby stuff works out:) If not, Corona and a sunburn here I come.
Convertible. 2 seats.
darnit. i wish i would have thought of that. :) that's a great plan.
We totally have a plan B too. We haven't come very far in developing it yet, but, as of right now, it consists of moving someplace obscure and living on a lake.....I completely agree. Why kill myself at a job I took in order to pay for children...if I don't have any.
Love the post :)
Your plan B sounds great. I don't have a plan B as far as not having children because the thought really scares me. But it is great to have one and I love yours!
My Plan B is to move somewhere warmer and have plastic surgery. If I am going to have to be old and childless, I at least want to look good. My husband always looks me like I'm crazy when I bring this up. I probably am crazy.
Love it. Our farflung childless fantasy is about moving to East Africa and doing medical outreach work and teaching in a medical school there.
In the meantime (and on a smaller scale), we plan exotic vacations that are incompatible with children (...again, East Africa - would not take a child under age 8 or so there, Far East Asia, etc.) Good consolation prizes, but I'm hoping we can soon stick with plan A!
Great post!
Seven dogs. And a body unravaged by childbearing.
If I don't conceive my own child, I'm getting my breasts done. I'm barely a B and that's on a good day. I've always wanted them. I know it's totally vain and I don't care. I want boobies!
It's bad enough I feel like less of a woman because of IF, at the very least I'd like to have a nice, firm, buoyant pair of tits.
Great plan! I say spend your winters in Key West and summers in PEI!
I guess I don't have a Plan B. My Plan A is to be a mommy, whether biologically or by adoption.
BUT, the plan is that until that happens we'll travel now and make some happy memories! We went to Prince Edward Island in 2006 and it was so sweet and so charming. If you move there one day can I come visit?
I'm sitting in my living room alone, everyone has gone to bed and I am LOL. Great idea. My oldest brother and his wife had been together for almost ten years when they were trying to decide on (A) have a baby or (B)get a dog. After lots of talking they were leaning towards dog. Two weeks later they find out they are pregnant. six years later and two kids there still is no dog.
Hi:) I know this is an old post, but I found your blog this week and I was reading older posts today...until I found out that we have the SAME PLAN B!!! I was telling my husband about it a couple of weeks ago, and Key West, this is where we'll live if I'm not able to have a child. Sorry to comment on an older post, but I thought this was really a nice coincidence:)) Good Luck to you, I'm following your journey and your blog helps lots of people...
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LOL, okay, I know this is an old post but I've been away for awhile and it caught my eye in your within links.....
So...our plan B is tropical too ~ living in the islands, sunburn, and serving drinks on the beach!
Oh, and I like Erica's idea of getting boobs ~ I'm adding that to my list (I'm sure my hubby won't mind! ;-)
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