Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's Done

Bad news today.

All our embryos stopped dividing. No transfer today. The RE won't officially call the transfer off until tomorrow which I can't quite understand.

We are both doing surprisingly OK. Maybe we are in shock.


Unknown said...

Oh damn. Don't know what else to say

Anonymous said...

So so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I'm so sorry.

Meg. said...

This is such frustrating news.
I'm very, very sorry. =(

Jill said...

oh no! I'm so sad for you :( said...

I'm so sorry hun.

C said...

shit. i am so sorry :(

ME! said...

CRAP!! That totally sucky ass! I am so sorry. {{HUGS}}

Melissa G said...

I am so very sorry. I wish I had something more to say. You are in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I want to say all kinds of swear words and throw things across the room, but that probably wouldn't help anything. I'm pissed and disappointed for you. I'm so sorry Megan. I was hoping for at least one to transfer today. Big hugs to you.

niobe said...

Oh no. Thinking of you.

satto said...

I am so sorry. Shit Shit Shit!

Yael said...


That really sucks.

My last transfer was canceled because mine didn't thaw...

SereneB said...

Just awful- how heartbreaking...

momsoon said...

I am so sorry for this. Truly. All I can say is that I absolutely understand and am praying that you and your husband take good care of each other.
Sending you Love.

Me said...

That sucks - I'm sorry! Big hug for you both. Take care...

Marcia (123 blog) said...

I am so, so sorry. I was really hoping you'd have even one to transfer.

Tara said...

I am so sorry.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Oh no! I'm so so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry. This whole process just plain sucks.

Liz said...

Damn. Take care.

areyoukiddingme said...

Crap. That sucks. I'm sorry.

IF Optimist, then... said...

Dammit. My heart sank when I saw the title of this post. I am so very sorry for you and your husband. Sending lots of love and hugs at this difficult time.

Shinejil said...

Shit. I'll be thinking of you over the next few days.

ryanandjoesmom said...

that really sucks rocks. i am sorry.


Nic said...

That is terrible, I am so sorry

Anonymous said...

I am really so sorry. Gosh - that probably sounds so redundant right now. But I really am.

BB said...

So sorry to hear this! :(

Anonymous said...

I'm so so very sorry.

Tiffanie said...

my heart is breaking for you. i am so very sorry.

B. said...

This royally sucks. I am so sorry, and I don't know what else to say. This sounds like such a lame comment, but I can't come up with any better words.

B MoM said...

I'm so sorry. sending you encouragement.

Valerie said...

We don't even know each other and yet my heart is breaking for you! Keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers,


Kate said...

Well that bites. Like you said in a previous post, it's probably better to find out now than have hope for another 2 weeks of agony, before finding out via a negative beta. But still, how shitty can life get? And why the hell won't they call the transfer off now?
I hope you get to at least get some money back like I would at my RE's for a failed transfer (I think). Doesn't make up for things, but it would be a slight salve to the wound.

Paula Keller said...

Oh Megan, I'm so very sorry. Damn.

Anonymous said...

:( i'm so sorry. xoxo

just me, dawn said...

I am so sorry, that sucks!

Once Upon A Time said...

I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you.

Just me said...

That. Sucks. :-(

I hope you are both able to use your trip this weekend to relax and unwind and to love and comfort each other.


Anonymous said...

Fuck, that is really shit.
I'm so sorry.

Caroline said...

I am so sorry to hear the news Megan. My thoughts go out to you and your DH.

Jo said...

Thinking of you.


Xillary said...

So sorry:(

twondra said...

Oh my gosh girl. I'm soooo sorry. Did they give you a reason? My fertilized eggs never divided. I went through genetic testing and reason.

I know how much it hurts. I'm thinking of you. (((HUGS)))

ToddV said...


So sorry. Hold onto each other during this time - that's what always helped us. Treat yourself well.

Again, so very, very sorry. Sending hugs...

Tiger said...

I am so sorry to hear this :(


hope4joy said...

Shit. I am so sorry. thinking of you.

Sarah said...

Shit. I am so sorry.

princessoftides said...

Damnit, damnit, damnit. Thinking of you.

Just Believing said...

Megan I am soooo so sorry....No words help but just know you are being thought of and prayed for!

Mo said...

Oh, God, Megan. Of course you are in shock. Reading this, I am too. I am so so sorry.


Sky's The Infinity said...

I'm very are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.

M said...

i'm so so sorry to hear that news. thinking of you.

Rambler said...

So sorry to read this particular entry. :(. There aren't enough sad faces to type into this comments box. I hope you and DH take good care of yourselves at this time.

'Murgdan' said...


I'm so so sorry. It sucks. It hurts. It's not fair. And again, I'm really sorry.

Erica said...

Oh Megan, I'm so sorry! What the fuck?!

I'm thinking of you and wishing you much peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

oh crap. that is effed up and i'm so sorry.

this roller coaster has some real nasty turns.

i'm sorry.


Anonymous said...

Ah, crap. So sorry to read this tonight. Not much else to say...crappity crap.

Aisha said...

Shit. Sorry to hear. Thinking of you guys.

one-hit_wonder said...

So very sorry. Words don't suffice. xxx

Gabby said...

oh no! I am so, so sorry, Megan. You must be in shock. I would be for sure. I am so sorry.

andi said...

I really sorry and I know it doesn't help - but I am shitty with your RE - why didn't he transfer 8 cell on day 3!!

Sorry - got shitty news myself today - and I am angry at the world.

Thinking of you my dear.

Kate said...

I am so , so sorry. I was so excited for you-- I hate this IF crap shoot-- I wish that it made more of a difference to do all the right things, pray to the right gods, be pure of heart and intent-- or not, or whatever, but it feels cruel and random and I am so, so sorry. I wish it were different. Truly. Thinking of you and your darlin.

Michelle said...

OMG that just really sucks! I am so so sorry!

Bluebird said...

I'm so sorry honey. So sorry.

WannabeMommy said...

So incredibly sorry....

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