Friday, June 12, 2009

Dear Mr. RE

Dear Mr. RE,

It’s me again. I feel like maybe we’ve had a falling out and I wanted to clear the air.

First, let me apologize for messing up your stats. I know these things are very important to you. I really wanted to help your clinic out, but I guess it just wasn’t in the cards. Trust me; this doesn’t make me any happier than it makes you.

I’m also sorry that I’m not that fun to be around. I know you find my addiction to Google annoying. I ask so many questions and sometimes challenge your answers. I rarely have a smile on my face and I regularly leave your office in tears. In short, I’ve been a real drag. I’ll try to do better.

Please remember that there is a silver lining in this cloud. I am a repeat customer. Sure you get to see the joy on the faces of those ladies you have helped and who have in turn helped your statistics. But don’t forget, those ladies leave you. They might come back to show off their newborn. I’m sure they warm your heart in a way I never do. However, I know you are running a business. Don’t forget that I’m still here. Don’t forget that I’m still a paying customer. Don’t forget that I haven’t left you.

I miss you already. I miss your optimism in the face of my pessimism. It used to be that we could hardly go a day without seeing each other. I miss doing things with you. Waiting is no fun.

In summary, I’m sorry that I failed you, but you failed me too. You made a lot of promises (explicit and implied) that you didn’t keep. We remain bound together in this struggle, so let’s bury the hatchet on this past cycle. I’d like to see what you have planned for me next.

A Heartbroken Patient


Bluebird said...

I love this post. And, although embaressing, I will admit to letting a snort-laugh escape when I reached your line about being a repeat patient :)

I struggle to ask questions and challenge and all those things. But, a) I feel guilty for taking their time, and b) I have it in my head that if they like me (and asknig questions would make them not like me) they'll treat me better. It makes no sense! They should be thankful for my business, eh? ;)


'Murgdan' said...

Yep. You got that right.

Anonymous said...

Great letter. I hope everything works out for you.

areyoukiddingme said...

Sigh. I wish they had some answers about where you drifted apart for you...

Somehow, though, I doubt you miss doing things together...

Liz said...

So when are you going to hook up again? No one can refuse such a heartfelt plea to try again.

Paula Keller said...

My RE's is like the old tv show Cheers, a place where everybody knows my name.

And yea, I know I've wrecked my center's stats! LOL!

Just Believing said...

amen girl i could print that and send it to me RE too!

barrenisthenewblack said...

Dude, Ditto. My last appointment had me chatting with my (male) RE about eye cream like old friends.
We're in this for the long haul.

From your earlier post, you might want to call your nurse and ask about the appointment. I'd even fudge it and say that the RE said you were to see him right away to discusss what went wrong and how to adjust for the next cycle, but I'm tricky like that, and he sort of did say it, just with less words and less specificity (is that spelled right? where is spell check?)

Mrs.X said...

Such a wonderful letter. We have such a complicated relationship with our RE - they are our cheerleader, our coach, our minister, our parent, our friend. It's hard not to have a stormy relationship when you combine all of these roles.


Kiki said...

I'm one of the longest running patients at our RE. Our first IVF has just started, kinda... just waiting for CD21 and off we go...

I think our case frustrates our RE as well... But we're hoping that this is just what we need...


Gift of Surrogacy said...

Great letter :)

Nicole said...

Fabulous post totally have it down.

And I don't think August is too early to cycle again but July 20 is way to late for a WTF appt. What is wrong with these people sometimes???

Mary said...

What happened with your wtf appt? can they move that forward at all?

Rebecca said...

Ok, I think you've been reading my mind....

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