Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 3 Report

The report:

3 'bros left.

1 2 cell
1 4 cell
1 8 cell

We are planning for a five day transfer on Thursday. I hope my eight cell makes it. I'm not holding out much hope for the others.

Not the best news in the world, but not the worst. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I think you will end up with twins! Your 8 cell is GREAT! and your 4 cell has a TON of potential! I'm holding my fingers crossed for you!

Mary said...

This can happen, Megan. I'm rooting for you. Grow embies grow!

JB - A.K.A. Jenn said...

Sending all the luck and prayers I can muster your way!

Hang in there!

Hillary said...

Your report seems a lot like mine, but the clinic wouldn't let me go to 5 days. I bet that makes a big difference for you and it will end up working!

Valerie said...

Hi Megan.

We did 5-day transfer too!

We started with 14 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilized and by day-5 transfer were down to 2. We transferred both and 1 stuck!

It can happen! You've made it so much farther than you ever have...hang in there and don't give up hope! I have enough hope for the both of us!


Erica said...

Hey - don't count out the little guys yet. Sometimes they're the hardest workers! Everything's crossed Megan - keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! That 8-celled sounds great, & the others might surprise you. Yay for a 5 day transfer!

Unknown said...

Fingers crossed for you

BB said...

Praying for you guys and your little ones!

Eb said...

5 day transfer is great news. Higher success rates. Hang in there! Grow embies, grow.

twondra said...

Thinking of you! Hoping the 8-cell continues to grow. :)

Tara said...

This can totally happen!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking promising!

IF Optimist, then... said...

I'm rooting for you and your 5-day embie. Best wishes and lots of love and luck for Friday.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! That is awesome that you have an 8 cell on day 3. Perfect. :-D

ME! said...

GOOD LUCK!!!! I am glad to see your hope level to still be 3. :)


Tiger said...

Grow embies grow!!!
I am praying for you :)

satto said...

8 cell?! Awesome! And those little ones still have a few days to catch up to their sibling. Good luck at the transfer.

Anonymous said...

That 8 cell one sounds wonderful, and I'm hoping the 4 cell one catches up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and thinking good thoughts for you and your embryos! Grow, grow, grow!

Michelle said...

Im sending you nothing but good thoughts!

Shinejil said...

Come on, lil' embies! Keep it up!

I'll be thinking of you over the next few days...

'Murgdan' said...

Cheering them ALL on....especially the little 8 cell that could.

Sky's The Infinity said...

hoping and praying for the best for you!

Misty said...

Rooting for all of them! Lots of luck!

Anonymous said...

sending good thoughts your way. hoping for great reports on ET day!


Kate said...

Thinking of you and crossing my fingers for 3!
hoping hoping hoping

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your embryos and hoping for a wonderful transfer on Thursday!

Gabby said...

megan, i am totally rooting for you! embryos do the craziest things.. if your clinic is like mine, you won't hear much the next two days.. but they will all be growing and ready for you to transfer!

can't wait to hear!

Yael said...

why didn't you transfer all 3 on day 3? (that's what I would have done).

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