There is a commercial making the rounds on TV for a local lasik eye care place that has me puzzled. Picture two women sitting and talking. Lady one wears glasses and has a young child on her lap. Lady one turns to lady two and tells her that she is getting lasik eye surgery.
Lady 2: Why are you getting surgery? Your glasses are so cute.
Lady 1: Well, you know it will be so much easier. [Nods toward child on lap indicating that he is the reason she needs lasik eye surgery.]
What the...??? I knew that guys don't make passes at girls that wear glasses, but now they can't be proper mothers either? On top of everything else I need to have surgery on my eyes too?
I will admit that wearing eye glasses is a difficulty I have had to overcome in my life.
1. It's hard to lay on my side and watch TV because my glasses get in the way.
2. When I wake up in the middle of the night I need my glasses to see across the room at the alarm clock to tell what time it is.
3. Ummm...I guess that's it.
Now admittedly, my eyesight is not that bad. If I looked across my bedroom in the middle of the day I could probably puzzle out what time it is on the alarm clock. My eyes just don't work as good when I first wake up. Also admittedly, I have considered having lasik surgery and probably will get it someday. However, I didn't know that it was a necessity for motherhood.
Chalk it up as another reason for the universe to deny me children. I don't have twenty-twenty vision. If I do ever cheat mother nature with IVF and am awoken in the middle of the night by a crying baby, he/she will just have to wait that extra millisecond for my comforting presence while I put on my glasses.
Bad prospective mommy.
My daughter knocks my glasses off on a regular basis. But, when she was smaller, I didn't even bother putting my glasses on, half the time. I'd just go to her room, soothe her, and stumble back to bed. I hardly opened my eyes, let alone put on glasses.
BTW, keep watching the commercials. All they do is tell you what a bad mother you are/will be.
Ooo, your verification word (winesses) reminded me to go and have a glass of wine. Thanks.
Ok... now I'm fired up. I wear glasses too, and have for the last 9 years. I'm a pharmacist, so I've just worn out the 'ole eyes checking all those prescriptions. Hey, we know the truth...... a mother is made in the heart. And always will be.
Besides, I rather like my glasses. They give me that sexy, intelligent look. Though at the beach they suck. Again, I'm sexy and intelligent.....
So you mean if I have lasiks we will finally conceive, and carry to term! Dang...who knew!
Ugh...another reason to turn off the television!
LOL. I loved the last line.
But honestly I dont think I ever opened my eyes in the middle of the night. I just stumbled my way through the feeding, changing, rocking (sometimes falling asleep in the chair).
the only logical thing I can think of in regards to the commercial is that kids or rather babies take off glassed.
Dumb! commercials that leave the viewer thinking. WTF. totally takes from what they are selling. and waste our time.
I love DVR. I dont ever watch commercials.
OMG you have discovered the cure for infertility...lasik eye surgery!
If I only knew and didn't waste my money on the last 2 IUI's...hahaha
I can not believe this commercial is on air! That is ridiculous!
Having just had eye surgery I have to admit one of the impetuses was the idea that, hopefully, I will have to be struggling out of bed at all hours and groping for my specs in the dark (I always loose them), falling asleep out of sheer exhaustion with my lenses in etc.
But, I was incredibly short sighted, not wearing glasses even for a short trip to the nursery would probably have seen me trying to breastfeed a doll.
Also now was a good time as I knew I couldn't conceeve for a few months and you can't have the procedure when you are pregnant.
Why do I sound so defensive? You are right the advert is essentially saying you are a bad mother if you are shortsighted, and that I completely disagree with.
I am sorta hoping Shannon is right though. Eye surgery does cure infertility.
the stupidity of people who come up with some advertising never seases to amaze me...
The people who make commercials are asshats.
hmmmm...i have not see this yet. wtf?
(i like sarah's comment!)
Add it to my list, too, then! I will NEVER EVER get lasik, though. I've seen the surgery done and it freaks me out!
If you look as cute as that kitty photo, I'd say you're going to do just fine!
My favorite are the "Ads by Google" on your sidebar that are now advertising Free Lasik Evaluations. What a hoot!
HUH!?!?!? That's jaw droppingly stupid! I have very low, not correctable vision in one eye and am very nearsighted in the other. I was told by a top opthalmologist that a reputable dr would NOT perform lasik on me because they would be doing it on the "good" eye, and if something went wrong I'd be really screwed. Alright, he may not have actually said "really screwed," but that was the gist.
BTW, I just won an awesome pair of frames on ebay. Over $400 frames for $50! Can't wait to get them. I'm going to be the mommy with the coolest glasses.
Haven't seen it either. That's nuts. I have four eyes too. Another strike, lol?
I found your blog - and now your scrapbook pages - through a link from a link from a link. I don't even remember back to where it started. But these pages are so amazing, I just wanted to thank you for sharing them.
I would've never thought to scrap such a "thing" as infertility but you're absolutely right. It's such a huge part of life that it only makes sense to scrapbook what is real, not just the fun fluffy stuff. 'Cause going through all this, it seems like a reeeeally long time since I've had much fun, fluffy stuff.
Ha! I feel like such a failure as a mom, now that I realize it is all because I have glasses! Must run right out and "correct" this oversight! Hahaha
I suspect they're referring to the fact that as soon as a baby knows how to grab (which is soon) they seem to take a perverse joy in pulling your glasses off your face whenever they get close to you (which is all the time).
Still, it's a pretty lame reason to get lasik!!
What a dumb concept for a commercial. Seriously? The last thing I'd want to do in the middle of the night tending to a crying baby is put in my contacts. Pffff!
I have TOTALLY seen that commercial, and it is so dumb. As a blind bat mother, I can assure you that somehow you will fuddle through at night. Although I will admit that my son (now 2) has broken two pair of glasses and 3 pairs of sunglasses. This, however, nowhere near compares to the cost of lasik. I just buy cheap sunglasses now and try to keep my real glasses (since I usually wear my contacts) up and out of the way.
Glasses I can handle. Infertility, on the other hand is much more of a bitch. I wish there was a Lasik for that.
LOL! It's just like the commercial and media whores to create more drama for mommies in waiting. Isn't it bad enough that they've been harping on the octoidiot for so long - now they've determined that good moms don't wear glasses? I wear contacts most of the time, but I'm blind as a bat in the middle of the night. Shit. I hope I don't accidently give my baby a bottle filled with half and half...
I love your posts. They always make me laugh. As if we infertiles don't already feel defective enough. Now we are lead to feel inadequate because of wearing glasses.
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