Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Cold!!!

It's Monday and I'm celebrating the little things.

1. I really had the hot and sweaty symptoms of lupron this last cycle, so for now I am enjoying being cold!!!

2. I have a WTF appointment tomorrow!!! Here's how I did it.

First, I emailed my IVF coordinator hoping she would be as outraged as me at my July 20 appointment. She was not, but she did say that she would let me know if there were any cancellations.

Then I emailed my doctor and told him that I had a July 20 appointment, but that there were a few questions that couldn't wait that long and proceeded to ask my questions. He moved up the appointment.

Lesson learned: Go directly to the top!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad your doc was responsive even if the IVF coordinator wasn't.

Anonymous said...

So very glad you're getting in right away. I don't care what your coordinator says, making you wait a month & a half was ridiculous. Yay for taking matters into your own hands, and I hope you get some good answers at the appointment.

Just Believing said...

Agreed! I went to the top for a "issue" I had and my RE actually gave us a comp cycle of IUI! Unfortunatley I always had to remind the payment lady of this but still he always defended and supported me!

Good luck tomorrow!

ME! said...

YEAH!!! That is awesome. I am so happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for getting your appointment moved up. That's great. I hope it goes well. :-D

IF Optimist, then... said...

Good job! Hoping that you get the answers you need. We are still all rooting for you to win the marathon.

Liz said...

Good knowledge. No that any of my doctors would ever consider allowing us mere mortals their email addresses but certainly, as I discovered on Friday, by pass the receptionist with the appointment book and at least get to a nurse.

areyoukiddingme said...

I'm a huge believer in moving along until you find someone who will give you what you want. I can't negotiate/bargain/reduce prices for things very well, but I can harass people until the cows come home!

Chelle said...

YES!! I so happy you have your appointment tomorrow! way to go straight to the top!

I hope you get some answers.

hope4joy said...

Good for you! I hope it goes well.

'Murgdan' said...

Good for you on all counts! Hope you get some answers.

Kate said...

Congrats on being a true advocate for yourself and getting an earlier appoitment. I hope you learn something useful at the WTF, and that there are things they think they can change for the better for your next shot at it.
I wonder if they'd try a different protocol? Were you too suppressed with the lupron and OCP? Did they back off too much on your starting dose last time after your bout with OHSS risk during IVF #1.
Good luck tomorrow!

Caroline said...

Good on you for being so assertive. Sometimes you have to be a little pushy. I hope the appointment goes well. x

the misfit said...

Good for you! You're so right, a month and a half was just a waste of your valuable time. Waiting with bated breath for the results of the consult! said...

Glad to hear that the doctor bumped your appt up. that was really lame to be SO far after everything that happened.

B MoM said...

woohooo to moving up that appt!! I mean seriously.....why does it have to be like that? We are really our own best health care advocates, and I'm glad you were a great advocate for yourself!

Tiger said...

Great to hear you got the appointment moved up :)

Rebecca said...

Good for you! I'm glad your RE is merciful. It's a tricky balance between being a 'good' patient and taking care of yourself.

Being a 'good' patient is my hang-up, not that I am... but gosh darnit I want him to like me. :/

Shinejil said...

So glad you got satisfaction. And I hope the WTF gives you some answers.

Tiffanie said...

HELL YEA! make them answer every question you have!

Paula Keller said...

Yea, that Lupron made me hot too! And I took it like 40 damn days. :P

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