I love my husband very much and there is no one I would rather spend time with (not that I have a choice most days). We usually spend most of our time laughing together because we are both total smart asses. In fact, we can't even fight because eventually someone has a come-back that is too hilarious and we both start laughing.
That being said...sometimes I look at him and wonder if it will always be just the two of us. Sometimes we are sitting on the sofa watching TV (OK a lot of times we do that) and I think...is this it? Could this be the rest of our lives? In ten years will we still be arguing over which TV shows are banned in the house? (I have banned Scrubs and Family Guy. He has banned any show having to do with Real Housewives and John and Kate Plus Eight). Will we still be bickering over our NetFlix queue? Will we still be treating our cat like a little human, referring to ourselves as "mommy" and "daddy" when we speak to him? Will we always be able to get away with having cereal for dinner? Will we always be able to curse freely? Will our outlets ever have a need for childproofing?
Or someday will our lives have more meaning? Someday will we be able to introduce someone else to our strange little world? I hope so.
I wonder that a lot myself. My husband I are always banning each others shows it's funny because it never works.
I know what you mean. To feel so fulfilled and complete with your husband. . . and yet feel so strongly that something is missing. Its so strange! I know it isn't forever for either of us - I have to stay certain of that! - but I'm glad you have your cats and your smartass husband (like mine) in the meantime :)
Hi Megan,
I know what you mean. I often have those thoughts too. I find the uncertainty regarding IF one of the hardest things to deal with.
Well, for a start I'm with your husband on the TV choices!
And yes, I do wonder the same. Also, without children what is going to force us to grow up?
I definitely wonder if this is it...a lot.
I end up just watching TV by myself a lot because the husband is super picky about TV shows (and i consider myself fairly discriminating!).
Okay, we refer to ourselves as "mommy" and "daddy" to both of our cats too - how ridiculously sad!
What's up with banning Family Guy? It's hysterical - beats the IF blues right out of me!!!
I've been wondering the same thing a lot lately, wondering if 20 years from now we'll still be doing the same thing. I've actually started thinking about what we'd do if we didn't have children - like where we would travel.
My husband and I do the same thing with the TV - like ESPN is not allowed on when we're watching TV before bed.
You have just described the thought process I go through many times. And just for the record...I don't see anything wrong with referring to each other as mommy and daddy in reference to your cat :)
You read my mind. I think about that all the time...especially when watching bad tv. I'll look over at DH and think, "this would not be happening if we had a baby right now". I hope it does change. Soon!
I know what you mean - I wonder about this too. I am currently trying to adopt my shrink's philosophy that we're just on the journey to parenthood. A little rocky, hell yes, but it's a road nonetheless with an ultimate destination.
In other words, yes, at some point we will have to whisper the "F" word instead of saying whenever and however loud we want.
Yeah, I was pretty much thinking the same thing the other day. My poor dog has been elevated to the status, 'my baby boy'...when all he wants to be is a dog. Maybe I'll just be a crazy dog lady when I grow up...
I wonder the exact same thing sometimes...
I feel the same way. My mom has actually started calling our cat her grandkitty and the dog her grandpuppy. I know, it's sick.
As far as TV shows go, I just go watch Jon & Kate plus 8 in the other room :).
I hope you don't think that your life isn't meaningful now... because of course it is. Just like it was when it was just the two of you before you decided to try for a baby. I'm not trying to sugarcoat things, but you definitely shouldn't negate your life thus far just because you don't have kids. And when you are lucky enough to be pregnant and welcoming a new one into your home, your life will be that much better.
hi megan, i just found your blog! wow! i know exactly how you feel. i have the greatest husband and just know something is missing!Your blog is really great! good luck to you!!
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